Iyyaka Na Budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaaeen (Verse 05, Surah Fatihah)
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
Annual accounts are an integral part of any business.
From the smallest to the biggest business, accounts are prepared from the business’s records and reflect the trading activities of the business for that year.
From your business records we can prepare any or all of the following;
Profit & Loss Account
Income & Expenditure Statement
Balance Sheet
Fixed Asset Schedule
The format of accounts can vary from business to business depending on both your requirements and your business’s legal status. Butt & Co prepare accounts based on both these criteria with a view to producing accounts that are easy to understand and not “packed full” of Accountancy Lingo or Jargon.
Accounts form the “backbone” of all business’s accounting requirements and, of course, reveal your profits which the Inland Revenue are always eager to tax.
Butt & Co routinely consider all tax shelters when your accounts have been prepared to a draft stage. By taking a pro-active and positive approach to minimising your tax you can be assured that you tax bill will be as low as is legally possible.